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Herb Plants

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We love taking our morning walks around the beautiful Galilee mountains. Here you can enjoy a taste of our own personal galilee video library.

Explore the biblical land from home, through hand-made natural unique gifts.

Explore the biblical land from home, through hand-made natural unique gifts.

Captivated by Galilee? Explore its biblical land from home, enveloped in scents of Galilee herbs and olive oil through hand-made scented sachets and candles. Join the aromatic journey now!" Visit our site Join in the excitement! This exclusive coupon, GalileeSale10, is yours to enjoy until January 2, 2024. Hello, I’m Noa Zion, an aroma therapist with a PhD in History, and a lifelong resident of Galilee. The captivating essence of Galilee, with its breathtaking landscapes, rich history and profound spirituality have deeply enchanted me since my childhood. Galilee was home to many spiritual sages, immersed in the scents of Galilee herbs on their transformative journeys. Galilee has bestowed upon us a cherished herbal culture fueled by a connection to nature, within which “Galilee Dreams” was born. I cultivate these special herbs in my organic gardens, crafting scented sachets that allow people worldwide to experience the essence of Galilee. Inspired by the region’s lush greenery, I have also developed a new line of 100% natural home sprays, essential oils, and wellness products. Immerse yourself in Galilee Dreams, a haven for natural and authentic products inspired by the enchanting beauty of the Galilee. Reflect on how the tranquil waters of the Jordan River and the lush green landscapes of Galilee can nourish and rejuvenate my soul and your soul. So, I dream of sharing Galilee’s scents and scenes globally, knowing that its story may inspire and excite you, too. Discover our new collection of eco-friendly, organic home sprays, diffuser blends, and aromatherapy oils that are aimed to uplift your senses. Embrace sustainable solutions, and join us in enhancing our quality of life by incorporating natural products at home. Be inspired by the green region of Galilee through our eco-friendly, chemical-free, organic products with minimal plastic usage. Let’s make a positive impact together. The magnificent journey of our domestically crafted and marketed products over the past two years has brought us to an exhilarating milestone: they are NOW yours to embrace and cherish. We heartily invite you to share with us the pleasures they offer and also take note of the remarkable reviews we have received throughout this transformative period.
Captivated by Galilee? Explore the biblical land from home, through hand-made natural unique gifts.

Captivated by Galilee? Explore the biblical land from home, through hand-made natural unique gifts.

Captivated by Galilee? Explore its biblical land from home, enveloped in scents of Galilee herbs and olive oil through hand-made scented sachets and candles. Join the aromatic journey now!" Hello, I’m Noa Zion, an aroma therapist with a PhD in History, and a lifelong resident of Galilee. The captivating essence of Galilee, with its breathtaking landscapes, rich history and profound spirituality have deeply enchanted me since my childhood. Galilee was home to many spiritual sages, immersed in the scents of Galilee herbs on their transformative journeys. Galilee has bestowed upon us a cherished herbal culture fueled by a connection to nature, within which “Galilee Dreams” was born. I cultivate these special herbs in my organic gardens, crafting scented sachets that allow people worldwide to experience the essence of Galilee. Inspired by the region’s lush greenery, I have also developed a new line of 100% natural home sprays, essential oils, and wellness products. Immerse yourself in Galilee Dreams, a haven for natural and authentic products inspired by the enchanting beauty of the Galilee. Reflect on how the tranquil waters of the Jordan River and the lush green landscapes of Galilee can nourish and rejuvenate my soul and your soul. So, I dream of sharing Galilee’s scents and scenes globally, knowing that its story may inspire and excite you, too. Discover our new collection of eco-friendly, organic home sprays, diffuser blends, and aromatherapy oils that are aimed to uplift your senses. Embrace sustainable solutions, and join us in enhancing our quality of life by incorporating natural products at home. Be inspired by the green region of Galilee through our eco-friendly, chemical-free, organic products with minimal plastic usage. Let’s make a positive impact together. The magnificent journey of our domestically crafted and marketed products over the past two years has brought us to an exhilarating milestone: they are NOW yours to embrace and cherish. We heartily invite you to share with us the pleasures they offer and also take note of the remarkable reviews we have received throughout this transformative period.
A morning walk 2021
A walk in the Galilee winter 2021
Nazareth December 2020
Ramadan in the Galilee 2019

Ramadan in the Galilee 2019

visit us at Galilee Dreams brings you the story of Galilee cultures, religions and celebrations. Ramadan is the Islamic month of daily fasting every year and it is celebrated by our Muslim friends and neighbors in the Galilee. The movie was made during Ramadan 2019. If you want to become familiar with other aspects of Galilee cultures just click here Hebrew transcript "אלו הם קולות הגליל בשחר. הציפורים זה עתה החלו את שירתן. שכנינו המוסלמים התעוררו לקול המואזין הקורא לתפילה כדי לאכול ארוחה מהירה לפני שמתחיל הצום. זוהי תקופת הרמדאן בגליל. הם לא יאכלו ולא ישתו עד שקיעת השמש. שגרה זו נמשכת כל החודש. זמן רמדאן בגליל הוא זמן מיוחד של קירבה לאל ושל טוהר רוחני. אחה"צ לפני שקיעת השמש הכל נעצר. סעודת שבירת הצום כבר על השולחן. המשפחה נאספת ומחכה לקריאת המואזין המסמנת את סיום הצום לאותו יום. זמן רמדאן הוא זמן המשפחה, זמן של שכנות טובה, ביקורים הדדיים וחיזוק הקשרים בתוך הקהילה." "נתינה לחברי הקהילה הנצרכים היא חלק ממנהגי רמדאן". " סעודת שבירת הצום בבי"ס מקומי". "בסיום הארוחה הם שותים תה עם נענע. הסועדים מתבלים את הארוחה בתבליני הגליל. האווירה חגיגית ומיוחדת. הרבה מקומות בגליל מקושטים בצבעי הקשת ויש התרגשות באוויר." Arabic transcript "إنها أصوات الجليل أثناء الفجر. بدأت الطيور زقزقتها واستيقظ جيراننا المسلمون على صوت المؤذن الداعي للصلاة كي يأكلوا وجبتهم بسرعة قبل ابتداء فترة الصيام اليومية. إنها فترة رمضان في منطقة الجليل فهم لا يأكلون ولا يشربون شيئا حتى غروب الشمس حيث يستمر ذلك طوال الشهر. إن فترة رمضان في الجليل هي فترة التقارب من الله وفترة النقاء الروحي. بعد الظهر وقبل غروب الشمس يتوقف كل شيء. مأكولات الإفطار قد وُضعت على المائدة والعائلة قد اجتمعت وعي تنتظر نداء المؤذن الذي يرمز الى انتهاء عترة الصيام في ذلك اليوم. فترة رمضان هي فترة قضاء الوقت مع أفراد العائلة, وحسن الجوار, والزيارات المتبادلة, وتقوية الأواصر داخل المجتمع." " الصدقة لأفراد المجتمع المحتاجين عي جزء من شعائر رمضان" " وجبة الإفطار في إحدى المدارس المحلية" "بعد الإفطار يتناول الناس الشاي مع النعناع. أما الوجبة نفسها فيتناولها الناس مع مختلف توابل الجليل ويكون الجو احتفاليا خاصا حيث يتم تزيين أماكن كثيرة في الجليل بألوان عديدة ويسود الجو الشعور من الانفعال." Today the Galilee is a unique location, home of many cultures and religions, and thus characterized as multicultural. With ​​green scenery, running water, wonderful landscapes, it is immersed in a rich and unique history.
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